Foothills Facial Plastic Surgery
6340 N Campbell Ave Suite 256
Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: (520) 200-2218
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Facelift Case 116

Before & After
Case Details
Motivated by a desire to feel as vibrant and full of life as she felt within, a middle-aged woman sought consultation for a facelift in Tucson. Passionate about selecting a practitioner whose primary focus was facial transformations, she decided to consult with Dr. Jerold Olson, a well-reputed facial plastic surgeon. Intrigued by the option of buccal fat removal combined with a facelift, she proceeded with the elective procedure. Her goals were simple and relatable: to have her outer appearance align with her inner energy and spirit.
The woman's experience with the procedure was overall positive and streamlined. Her downtime was minimal, with recovery taking only two weeks. The facelift, coupled with the buccal fat removal, offered a rejuvenated look that matched her effervescence. The before and after photos housed in this photo gallery exhibit her transformation and radiance. The woman stands as a glowing testament to the potential outcomes for anyone considering a facelift in Tucson.
Dr. Jerold Olson, the surgeon performing the procedure, brings a wealth of experience to the Foothills Facial Plastic Surgery practice in Tucson. Having trained extensively within the University of Texas system for his surgical and otolaryngological residencies, he deepened his specialization in facial plastic surgery at Hedgewood Surgical Center. Since his return to Tucson, Dr. Olson has been acknowledged as one of the Best Doctors in America for eight consecutive years. His deep understanding of facial anatomy, a keen eye for aesthetic balance and his patient-centric approach towards procedures contributed to the successful outcome seen with this patient. His contributions to the field ensure that, for those seeking a facelift in Tucson, patient satisfaction and extraordinary results are but the norm.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Dr. Jerold Olson
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.