Foothills Facial Plastic Surgery
6340 N Campbell Ave Suite 256
Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: (520) 200-2218
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Rhinoplasty Case 136

Before & After
Case Details
When this 30-year-old woman was seeking help for her nasal concerns, she had only one place in mind - Tucson. Having undergone an unfortunate nose break in her youth, she noticed progressively undesired changes in the structure of her nose over the years. Disturbed by the alterations, she decided to opt for a corrective surgical procedure, Rhinoplasty in Tucson, under the expertise of Dr. Jerold Olson.
Dr. Olson, a board-certified member of the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, carefully assessed her condition and recommended rhinoplasty. Dr. Olson used advanced tools to demonstrate the potential changes and possibilities that rhinoplasty might bring for her. The above patient was elated with the outcome of the procedure! The noteworthy alterations not only rectified the concerns she initially presented with but also harmonized her facial features, enhancing her overall beauty and confidence.
Dr. Jerold Olson has been a part of Foothills Facial Plastic Surgery in Tucson, Arizona for over two decades. His comprehensive academic background and extensive professional experience put him in an exemplary capacity when it comes to offering high-level patient care. Equipped with a sound understanding of facial aesthetics and a keen eye for detail, Dr. Olson has managed to curate a significant legacy, featuring an impressive list of satisfied clients. Transforming lives one face at a time, Dr. Olson's proficiency in performing a wide range of reconstructive and cosmetic facial procedures shines in the city of Tucson. His commitment to his patients and their post-operative satisfaction is evidently reflected in the spectacular result seen in the above Rhinoplasty in Tucson case.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Dr. Jerold Olson
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.